Monday, April 21, 2014

All is fair in love and Super Robot Wars

Back in 1991 the GameBoy was well into its swing, and all manner of new publishers were getting in on the action. Not wishing to miss a trick, Banpresto released a relatively small turn-based strategy game developed by a tiny studio by the name of winkysoft. It was called Super Robot Taisen (aka Super Robot Wars, or SRW for short).

Unlike other turn based strategy games such as chess, the pieces on this game's board stemmed from a separate long-running pantheon. Calling up on nearly half a century of pop culture mythos, the pieces came from various mecha anime.

Despite having "super robot" in the title, only some of the game's units were actually "super". This is because mecha are broken down into various types in anime, with the two main categories of "super" and "real".

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